Welcome to our Green Knights
What is a Green Knight?
A Green Knight gives children a VOICE in environmental matters.
A Green Knight gives children a chance to make changes for the better in our school and the wider world.
Who is on the Green Knight?
Every year the pupils elect two representatives from their classes, from Year 1 to Year 6 onto the Green Knights. They are chosen because they are, sensible and reliable and can work as part of a team. They are also good organisers and listeners.
Green Knight aims are:
To meet regularly to discuss their views and be heard.
Be role models for our school values.
Actively keep themselves up to date on environmental issues and solutions outside of the school.
Bring any ideas about how the school can change or improve in relation to environmental sustainability to meetings and work collaboratively to put proposals forward to Leadership Team and the rest of the school.
Applying a range of thinking tools to support the process.
Get involved in day-to-day practical tasks and activities to turn plans into actions.
Get involved in specific projects, working collaboratively with others both inside and outside of school.
Keep the school community up to date with school based environmental issues and activities e.g. in collective worship, parent forums, newsletters and meetings with governors.
Role models for looking after the school environment and remining others of the Eco Code when necessary.
Why do we have Green Knights at St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Primary School?
Environmental sustainability is one of the important themes running through our school vision. Green Knights will support the school community to put the plans and actions into place. This group will be directly involved in day-to-day practical activities that will help our school community to uphold our responsibility to conserve natural resources and protect global ecosystems.
The United Nations Convention on The Rights of a Child states that,
“All children have the right to express the views they have and those views should be listened to in anything that affects them.” Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) -Respect for views of the child.
What is the Green Knight involved in this year?
Over this year we are hoping to work collaboratively with the School Council and Leadership Team within school.
We will be looking at ways of promoting energy efficiency around our school.
Finding ways to maximise the recycling we do with items in school and at home.
Through the gardening club we are planting and caring for our sensory garden.
Daily litter pick and reminders to use the bins around school.