Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Design is knowing which ones to keep.
The intention of the Design and Technology curriculum, at St. Andrew the Apostle, is for children to become creative and critical problem solvers who are able to use their imaginations within a variety of contexts whilst learning how to take risks. We aim to enthuse pupils with real life, practical activities enabling them to develop and build on their subject knowledge and skills whilst making links with mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art.
Design and Technology is taught through a topic-based approach where relevant. Through the evaluation process of designs and technologies, children will develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. During Design and Technology lessons, children will learn through the three distinctive phases of designing, making and evaluating their own products. Each year, children will be taught and equipped with new skills that will build on their previous learning, ensuring that progression is being consistently made. At St. Andrew the Apostle, we will provide children with creative and stimulating lessons that enable them to flourish and experience success. All pupils are challenged appropriately during Design and Technology lessons through verbal feedback and are provided with opportunities to independently extend their knowledge and skills by accessing our Enhanced Area.
The Impact of our Design and Technology curriculum is measured by ensuring that the skills taught in each year group are progressive so that pupils are being appropriately challenged and guided through to the next level of learning and expertise.