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Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you for all of the lovely children’s work you have been sending to us via the school email. We are now working towards using Seesaw a learning platform, as a way for your child’s teacher to respond to the Home Learning you send. Once set up, it will be an easier way for you to send us pictures or video/audio clips of your children working. You may remember using 2Simple or Tapestry when your child was in Nursery and Reception? Seesaw works in a similar way. Below are instructions to help you set up Seesaw.

Parent/Carer Instructions for Using Seesaw

  1. Go to  on a computer, or install the Seesaw Class App on an iOS device, Kindle Fire or Android device.
  2. Choose “I’m a Student”
  3. Don’t enter your email and password. Instead, scroll down to where it says “Text Code” and enter the 12-digit code you received by email.
    This is a unique code for your child. It is like a password and should be kept safe.
  4. Press “Go”.
  5. View any messages or activities that teachers have left for your child.
  6. You may wish to start uploading photographs or video/audio clips of work your child has been doing at home. You child’s teacher will be able to see your work!

Thank you for supporting your child’s learning at home. If you have any problems, please contact us in the usual way.