At St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Primary School our aim is for every child to know, experience and celebrate success in their learning journey with us. We have created a distinctive curriculum which meet the specific needs of our pupils and has been designed around the National Curriculum.
Our mission of ‘Succeeding Together in Faith and Love’ is at the heart of all we do as a school family.
The purpose of our intent is for all pupils to leave St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Primary School as successful, confident, resilient, independent learners who are creative, critical thinkers, able to make decisions. We believe childhood should be a happy, carefree time of life where curiosity drives the desire to learn. We have clear and consistent methods for celebrating success.
In our curriculum the full range of subjects have been carefully mapped out across school in clear progression frameworks, so that knowledge, understanding, skills and concepts built upon over time. Our curriculum integrates a variety of experiences and opportunities which best meet the needs of the children in our school.
Pupils will:
- apply previous knowledge to new situations and concepts
- be equipped with skills needed for success in life
- have familiarity with their local environment and the wider world
- have tools to become independent learners and creative thinkers
We will implement this intent by delivering a rich, relevant National Curriculum, from Nursery to Year 6, which introduces pupils to the best that has been thought and said and helps engender in them an appreciation of human creativity and achievement. The foundation for this will be high quality teaching of the basic skills in English and Maths with a strong focus on vocabulary and oracy capability across all subjects. Pupils will be immersed in stories and learn to read fluently, they will know their times tables and number bonds. Enhanced learning experiences instilling knowledge, concepts and values will be provided, including investigative, real life, practical activities, engaging and enthusing their minds whilst enabling them to experience success. We will strive for all to have a sense of belonging and realisation of their own unique and distinctive talents. Our ethos is rooted in both Gospel values and personal virtues which permeate through our curriculum: love, kindness, friendship, courage, equality, responsibility, respect and integrity. Each class will explore and exemplify the links between the values and virtues, the curriculum and the wider life of the school. By embracing the Power of Reading cross-curricular links will be made to strengthen and reinforce key knowledge and concepts. The phonics scheme we use throughout the infant department is Read, Write, Inc.
The Reading Scheme that we use is a coloured book banded system, which is primarily taken from the Oxford Reading Tree Scheme.
The impact of this implementation will result in our pupils becoming successful, educated citizens understanding their role in the wider world and being equipped to accept the challenges of the next stage in their lives; with no limits to their success and a healthy sense of self-worth.
We follow the National Curriculum framework, which can be found here. If you would like to find out more about our curriculum, please contact the school office for an appointment to see Mrs Webster.