At St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic School Primary School we are proud to provide a safe, stimulating and inclusive learning environment where every member of our community is valued and respected. Our broad, balanced, creative curriculum and enrichment activities provide opportunities for everyone to achieve and succeed. We celebrate our achievements, gifts and cultural diversity, irrespective of individual differences. Together we take pride in making a positive contribution to our school and the wider community. Succeeding Together in Faith and Love
To ensure that every child or young person gets the support they require, the SEND code of practice (2014) outlines a graduated approach, which schools should employ to meet the needs of pupils with SEND. This graduated approach should take the form of a four-part cycle (Assess, Plan, Do, Review), which should provide a growing understanding of the pupil’s needs and the provision which best supports the pupil to make good progress.
At St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Primary School all staff play a key part in the identification of special educational needs, which should always be the result of building a picture of the child’s needs over time. There is a large emphasis on the class teacher being directly responsible and accountable for the progress of all pupils within their class, including those receiving additional support from other adults. This should be whole school practice, which is embedded within all school systems and policies.
So, how can teachers ensure that pupils identified as having special educational needs are able to participate, learn and make progress? Teachers need to:
- Assess and identify a pupil’s strengths and needs
- Set learning targets
- Identify appropriate provision (based on their assessments)
- Deliver appropriate teaching and learning opportunities
- Track small step pupil progress
- Evaluate and monitor intervention using pupil progress
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