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Mission Statement

Our School Mission Statement

Aims and Objectives

Live the Gospel values of faith, love, forgiveness and care in our lives.

  • Placing RE at the core of the curriculum
  • Teach the ‘Come and See’ programme and share daily collective worship
  • Provide a safe welcoming and nurturing school where all are valued and welcomed
  • Promote acts of love and friendship e.g. by sharing, towards one another
  • Celebrate and share success through assemblies, displays and rewards
  • Living out our golden charter acrostics poem ‘St Andrew’
  • Children involved in planning and leading collective worship and reflection
  • Our Parish Priest’s celebration of and parishioners’ attendance at school masses
  • Joining with other schools for staff mass
  • Supporting local and global charities: food banks, refugees, CAFOD, Blythswood, through fund raising and raising awareness
  • By listening to each other and valuing, respecting and responding to opinions
  • Preparing to receive Sacraments
  • Promoting good role models (school buddies roles, green knights, prefects)
  • Promoting circle of friends
  • Sharing weekly success stories which reflect Gospel Values
  • Listening to School Councillors, prefects, others (circle time)
  • Using manners
  • Promoting positivity by giving rewards, certificates and during circle times
  • Celebrating assemblies (Christmas Easter) and class masses
  • Experiencing life experiences through role play
  • Promoting positive relationships with everyone in school
  • Promoting the understanding of other faiths and cultures (theme weeks, anti- racism, anti-bullying)

Challenge and encourage all to become enthusiastic and independent lifelong learners.

  • Providing an exciting, stimulating curriculum; catering for all learning styles; learning through play EYFS
  • Promoting a variety of extra-curricular activities through clubs and wrap-around care
  • Build commitment and resilience through Junior Achievement Awards and residential visits
  • Making learning enjoyable!
  • Pupils contribute through school council
  • Developing enhanced areas for individuals to research in different subjects independently
  • Better Reading Partners
  • Using current technology in all learning opportunities
  • Recognising every child is made in the image and likeness of God, therefore striving to do personalise learning
  • Valuing each child’s contributions
  • Providing a stimulating and safe learning environment which provides opportunities for all to shine and celebrate success.
  • Enhancing children’s school life by providing educational visits and a residential week
  • Having high expectations for children
  • Providing opportunities and challenge for those children with Special Educational Needs, including More Able
  • Encouraging team work in classes and clubs
  • Promoting combined learning for school, parents/carers, staff and children through Family Learning opportunities

Work with our community to prepare for our future by following the values and teaching of Jesus.

  • Valuing parents’/carers’ and pupils views and opinions via annual questionnaires and less formal discussions
  • Inviting members of the parish and local community into school to meet pupils
  • Visiting members of the local community
  • Keeping parents/ carers well informed through the school website and a weekly school newsletter
  • Ensuring parents receive the weekly parish newsletter
  • Working closely with the other schools in our parish
  • Inviting outside agencies such as: police, fire officers, nurses, dentist, Everton in the Community and road safety officers to participate in our learning
  • Studying other faiths and cultures, including visiting other places of worship
  • Raising money for charity
  • Providing Career Professional Development
  • Instilling global values through: school council, prefects, buddies and green knights
  • Providing opportunities for children to showcase their talents and compete (sports, singing, choral, speech choir)
  • Nurturing a welcoming ethos for all
  • Taking part in local initiatives
  • Involving parents/carers in school through: courses, visits, careers days, assisting, celebrations
  • Collaborating actively with groups in our parish and locality (sacramental preparation, class masses, celebrations, experience Easter at C of E)
  • Making connections on a global scale with our worldwide community (SFX, St Julies, Holy Family, St Marks)
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