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In mathematics the art of asking questions is more valuable than the art of solving problems.


The National Curriculum states that ‘Mathematics is a creative and highly interconnected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. In St. Andrew the Apostle Primary School, we intend to provide our pupils with an enjoyable and engaging curriculum which is built on a foundation of fluency in Mathematics. Pupils should leave our school with not only a love and curiosity of mathematics but also deep understanding of mathematical concepts and the ability to adapt and work confidently when solving problems.


In EYFS, pupils are taught to understand the concept behind a number and what that number represents in different contexts.

As we move into Key Stage 1 and 2, we use the teaching for mastery approach. Our lessons continue to allow the pupils to experiment and develop an understanding of key concepts through the use of the concrete, pictorial, abstract approach. We use basic skills sessions to develop a fluency in the fundamentals of mathematics by using variation and making connections between facts. We encourage the children to use mathematical vocabulary to explain their thinking and develop their reasoning skills. Problem solving is taught throughout each lesson and the pupils develop strategies to break down problems into a series of smaller steps and persevere when seeking solutions.

We make links to the real world and show the pupils how their mathematical skills will help them succeed in life.


The impact of this implementation will result in our pupils becoming competent and confident mathematicians. They will have a strong understanding of how to solve problems and the fundamental skills to work efficiently. Their love and confidence will allow them to continue their achievements as they make the transition to secondary school and then into the wider world of education and employment.


Year Group Plans


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